Students at Harvard

The Committee on General Scholarship coordinates four distinct traveling fellowship programs for students wishing to study or conduct research in France. The programs share a single application form, so students may apply to one or more programs with one submission. The selection committee will interview finalists for these fellowships in French.

Ecole Normale Superieure Exchange Fellowship

An agreement between Harvard University and the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) in Paris provides fellowships for Harvard College seniors and Harvard graduate students interested in studying or pursuing research at ENS as a Pensionnaire étranger (non-degree seeking student) for one academic year. Please note that applicants interested in seeking a degree at ENS are not eligible for this award.

As a Pensionnaire étranger, students can follow any courses they like, as long as the faculty is in agreement. There is no specific restriction in course selection and students may choose courses from different departments if they so choose. The status of Pensionnaire étranger gives the possibility to obtain a transcript of record but not to enroll in a specific degree program or obtain any kind of diploma from the ENS.

The recipient will receive a room in an ENS dormitory as well as a stipend of approximately $18,000 for living expenses. Applicants should have an outstanding academic record, a clear purpose and plan of study at the ENS, and advanced knowledge of the French language, both spoken and written.

The Augustus Clifford Tower Fund Fellowship

The Augustus Clifford Tower Fellowship provides a stipend of approximately $25,000-$32,000 to support the expenses of one academic year of study at any university in France. Recipients are required to apply independently and gain admission to an academic program.

The fellowship is open to graduate students and graduating seniors. Undergraduates must be members of the senior class who will graduate by May. Graduate students must have completed one full year of graduate study at Harvard at the time they apply for consideration.

Applicants should have an outstanding academic record, a clear purpose to their study at the school of their choice, and advanced knowledge of the French language, both spoken and written.

The Williams-Lodge Fund Fellowship

The Williams-Lodge Scholarship provides a stipend of approximately $25,000 to support the expenses of one academic year of study in any school or department of the Universite de Paris, with a preference for the Sorbonne. Recipients are required to apply independently and gain admission to the Universite de Paris. Applicants must be members of the Harvard College Senior Class who will graduate in May.

Applicants should have an outstanding academic record, strong character, and athletic ability. They should have a clear purpose to their study at the Universite de Paris. Preference will be given to students interested in the humanities. Applicants should have advanced knowledge of the French language, both spoken and written.

GSAS-Sciences Po Exchange Fellowship

The GSAS-Sciences Po Exchange Fellowship provides one student from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences with admission as an “Auditeur Libre” to the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (“Sciences Po”) in Paris for one academic year of study. Tuition charges are waived and the recipient receives a stipend of approximately $32,000 to support travel, living, and research expenses. Fellows receive affiliation with the Centre Americain and may have the opportunity to teach (in English) if they are interested.

Applicants should be studying in one of the following fields: political science, sociology, economics, twentieth-century history, the history of science, or Soviet and East European studies. Applicants should be able to articulate clearly how the opportunity to enroll at Sciences-Po will benefit their research as well as their academic and professional development. Applicants should have an outstanding academic record and advanced knowledge of the French language, both spoken and written.

Deadline: October 23, 2024

Guidelines and application for Harvard Undergraduate students
Guidelines and application for Harvard Graduate students