Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship

Frank Knox Fellowships are awarded to citizens of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom for graduate study or research at Harvard University. Interested students must apply for consideration before entering the U.S. and prior to the start of their Harvard programs. The fellowship pays tuition and health insurance fees plus a substantial living stipend, and is renewable for a second year for students in continuing degree programs. Approximately 15 new fellows are selected each year.

Knox Fellows will be connected with each other across the university in an academic and professional network.

Joseph Hodges Choate Fellowship

The Choate Memorial Fellowship is awarded each year upon the nomination of the Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, England, to a British citizen coming from that university for graduate study or research at Harvard University for one academic year. This fellowship is not renewable.

For further information and to apply for consideration, prospective Harvard students from the University of Cambridge only should contact:
University of Cambridge
University Offices
The Old Schools
Cambridge CB2 1TN
Tel. 01223 332200

Michael Von Clemm Fellowship

This is an exchange program between Harvard University and the University of Oxford, and funded by the Michael and Louise von Clemm Foundation. Harvard College seniors who are interested in spending an academic year at the University of Oxford following their graduation may apply for a Michael von Clemm Fellowship. Prospective applicants should contact the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (URAF), http://uraf.harvard.edu/, at Harvard University for more information and application materials.

Students from the University of Oxford may apply for the Michael von Clemm Fellowship to spend one academic year as a Special Student at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University following their graduation from Oxford.

For further information and to apply for consideration, prospective students should contact:

Ms. Rachel Clifford
Academic Registrar
Corpus Christi College, Oxford
Tel: 01865 276737
Email: Rachel.clifford@ccc.ox.ac.uk