Zlatko and Joyce Balokovic Scholarship Fund

The Balokovic Scholarship is awarded each year to citizens of Croatia who have been admitted for graduate study to Harvard University. Interested students must apply for consideration before entering the U.S. and prior to the start of their Harvard programs. Applications must be submitted to the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb, which nominates a limited number of finalists each year to the Committee on General Scholarships. This scholarship is not ordinarily renewable.

  • For further information and to apply for consideration, prospective Harvard students should contact:
    Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
    Zrinski trg 11
    10000 Zagreb
    Hrvatska (CROATIA)
    Tel. 385-1-4895-111
    Fax: 385-1-481-99-79
    e-mail: jdukic@hazu.hr